
Do you ship worldwide & how much does shipping cost?

Yes - we ship worldwide. Free Shipping Sitewide.

Shipping Process

Once your order has shipped, you will receive a Shipping Confirmation email. We only ship during business days and do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.

We require between 1-5 working days on average to fulfill your order and some items may take longer especially around major holidays (up to 7 days).


Once your order is shipped, depending on your country or region, the estimated delivery time is between 7 to 21 business days.

Specific delivery dates are not provided nor guaranteed.We offer the following delivery estimates, by country, for your reference:

United States: 6-14 days

International Shipments

Canada:7-15+ days

United Kingdom:7-21 days

Australia:5-14 days

Europe: 7-21+ days (varies widely by importing country)*

Note: The days listed above are only estimates in business/working days. While we will do all that we can to make sure you order is delivered on time, we cannot be held responsible for conditions beyond our control such as required postal or customs clearance procedures, holidays, severe weather, labor disputes, protests, etc. and these interruptions can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates.

Duties, Taxes, and Other Fees

International shipments may be subject to import taxes, duties and/or customs clearance fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches the recipient's country. These fees are the sole responsibility of the recipient. We have no control over these charges, nor can we predict what they may be. If a shipment is refused and returned, you will be responsible for any import taxes and return shipping costs incurred. Customs policies vary widely by country. If you have questions we recommend that you contact your local customs office for more information.

If your tracking number shows delivered on the shipping company’s website but you don’t have it, please do the following:

• Check the area around your home for the package and ask anyone it may have been left with.
• If the package is not found please call the shipping company’s directly to report a missing package. so you can get the logistics information fastest.
• Pls email us about it at the same time.
Phlizon can not be held responsible for packages stolen from the delivery address so please be sure to ship to a secure location! If the items are lost, we need at least 30 days to investigate. so after we provide the tracking number, hope you can follow the dynamics of the logistics of the items, continue to view our mail about the notification, so you will receive the items successfully.